Update Synspunkt is a forum for AAU staff members to have their voice heard. The following guidelines apply to Update Synspunkt:
- All contributions must be based on factual arguments and written in a respectful tone
- Contributions may not include sensitive personal data or defamatory statements and may not violate copyright law
- Contributions may not be of a commercial nature
- Contributions may not include personal attacks
Update Synspunkt is not a forum for handling matters that should be resolved through established procedures nor does it replace consultation and dialogue between the management and staff members.
Contributions on Update Synspunkt solely represent the author’s opinion and not AAU’s official position.
Contributions must be of no more than 3,500 characters including spaces and must include your full name and your AAU email address.
Contributions may be written in Danish or English.
Send your contribution to synspunkt@adm.aau.dk. We will reply within two working days.
AAU Communication has editorial responsibility for Update Synspunkt. All contributions that adhere to these guidelines will be published without being edited unless otherwise agreed with the author.