
New re­sour­ces from the Uni­ver­sity Li­brary

: 15.01.2024

With the new year, we welcome a number of new and sought-after resources that the library has subscribed to. What they all have in common is that they are accessible to all AAU students and staff.

New re­sour­ces from the Uni­ver­sity Li­brary

: 15.01.2024

With the new year, we welcome a number of new and sought-after resources that the library has subscribed to. What they all have in common is that they are accessible to all AAU students and staff.

By Kasper Løvschall, Aalborg University Library. Photo: Public domain.

With the start of the new year, we are pleased to announce a number of new resources that are now available through the University Library. These are resources for which we have received multiple requests over a longer period of time. What they all have in common is that they are a range of niche media that have a broad appeal across many disciplines and areas of interest.


We are adding two new titles from Monitormedier to our current subscription to Byrummonitor. Monitormedier is generally aimed at readers who are interested in how our welfare society should develop and readers who appreciate independent, professional and serious journalism and lively debate.

Ingeniørens PRO and PLUS-media

Our subscription to most of the news media from the Teknologiens Mediehus allows access to knowledge about the latest technological solutions across disciplines, markets and national borders. The focus is on trends, solutions, frameworks and technological breakthroughs. Innovation, research and use of technology.

  • All articles on ing.dk
  • BuildingTech (on the renovation, operation and maintenance of buildings in both the public and private sectors)
  • CareTech (on welfare technology in Denmark)
  • ComplianceTech (on data compliance and concrete tools on how organisations can comply with the rules and be compliant in the most efficient way) 
  • DataTech (about Danish companies, municipalities and institutions' work and strategies to create more value from data)
  • DigiTech (on public digitalisation and IT projects)
  • GridTech (on grid technology, integrations and green transition)
  • MobilityTech (on the safest, most efficient and environmentally friendly transport)
  • TechManagement (on leadership in technological transformation, change management, project management, etc.)
  • WasteTech (about waste projects in municipalities and private companies)
  • WaterTech (on the latest technological solutions in the water sector - from climate protection to drinking and wastewater treatment)
  • Version2 (a broad IT media with a socially orientated and technologically professional profile)
  • Radar (about tech, digitalisation, privacy, ethics, surveillance, algorithms and tech giants in the perspective that technology is both political and socially transformative)

This also gives you access to the weekly newspaper INGENIØREN. Currently, this requires the creation of a personal login to ing.dk and pro.ing.dk with your AAU e-mail address. This also gives you access to subscribe to weekly newsletters from the PRO media.

If you are already a member of IDA, or already subscribe to media from the Teknologiens Mediehus, you can simply continue to use your existing user profile. If you are using links through the library, you will automatically be granted the same access as above.


Last but not least, we now have access to CleantechWatch from Watch Medier. It is dedicated to covering the Danish players in waste, recycling and waste management, water, wastewater utilities and environmental technology solutions.

The University Library already provides access to the media: MedWatch, MediaWatch, EnergiWatch samt FinansWatch.

Goodbye to

To make room in our finances for the new subscriptions, we have also had to say goodbye to a number of our titles. These have been selected on the criteria of subject coverage and price in relation to usage.

  • Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society from American Mathematical Society
  • Database of latin dictionaries from Brepols Publishers
  • International Directory of Company Histories from Gale Cengage
  • Tourism analysis from Cognizant Communication Corp
  • Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism from Cognizant Communication Corporation
  • DigiZeitschriften :  das deutsche digitale zeitschriftenarchive from DigiZeitschriften
  • Nanomedicine from Future Science Group
  • Regenerative Medicine from Future Science Group
  • Journal of Music, Technology & Education from Intellect
  • Metal Music Studies from Intellect
  • Seminars in liver disease from Thieme
  • Current Protocols in Immunology from Wiley
  • Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology from Wiley