
Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen Receives the Obel Family Foundation Teaching Award 2024

: 19.04.2024

Every year, AAU's main areas select a Teacher of the Year on the recommendation of the students, and on Friday the five recipients were honoured at the university's annual celebration. And Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen, Associate Professor at BUILD Received the Obel Family Foundation's Teaching Award 2024.

Af Lea Laursen Pasgaard, AAU Kommunikation og Public Affairs. 
Translated by LeeAnn Iovanni and photo by Hans Ravn

Every year, AAU's main areas select a Teacher of the Year, and true to tradition, this year's five recipients were honoured on Friday at the university's annual celebration at Musikkens Hus in Aalborg.

The Obel Family Foundation supports the importance of challenging, motivating teaching. Of the five Teachers of the Year, one is awarded the main prize. The Obel Family Foundation's Teaching Award of DKK 50,000 while the other four nominees each receive DKK 25,000.

The main prize this year went to Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen, Associate Professor in the Department of the Built Environment (BUILD).

She received the award for her teaching in partial differential equations, probability theory and statistics where her goal is motivated students who solve concrete problems with complicated mathematics in a safe learning environment.

See video of Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen and her students here:


Video: Obel Family Foundation Award for Teacher of the Year 2024


Video: Obel Family Foundation Award for Teacher of the Year 2024

Video: MAYDAY Film

This year's Teachers of the Year at the faculties are:

Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen
Associate Professor in the Department of the Built Environment (BUILD), Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Engineering and Science and recipient of the Obel Family Foundation's Teaching Award 2024.
Read the portrait article here

Marie Jull Sørensen
Associate Professor in the Department of Law, Social Sciences and Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Read the portrait article here

Marianne Kongerslev
Associate Professor in the Department of Culture and Learning and Humanities Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Read the portrait article here

Giorgio Bacci
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Teacher of the Year at the Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Read the portrait article here

Maciej Plocharski
Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Science and Technology and Teacher of the Year at the Faculty of Medicine 
Read the portrait article here